We were laid low with a nasty bug at the beginning of February but thankfully everyone is feeling much better and back to normal. We were able to move most of the activities forward so nothing was missed.

Alex Simson from Storywell enthralled us with another of her folk tales. Alex is a very gifted narrator and we look forward to her next visit. We made some pretty heart decorations and celebrated Valentine’s Day with vocalist and guitarist Chris Clarke.

We marked Chinese New Year by finding out our horoscopes in the Chinese calendar. 2015 is the year of the sheep and we discovered that we had horses, rats, dragons, pigs and monkeys in our midst, quite a menagerie! It was such fun and rounded off nicely with some fortune cookies.

Our second visit from Angie Ward with chair based dance was a great success. We enjoyed using the scarves and hoops and several of us decided to get to our feet and dance. We really appreciated a refreshing cup of tea after all our exertions!

Towards the end of the month we were entertained by Jo Bangles playing her clarinet and keyboard. Jo is a real character and always has some interesting anecdotes about the pieces she chooses for us.

Our final visitor in February was Barry Pentelow with his reminiscence afternoon. We really enjoyed Barry’s talk and looking at all the memorabilia he brought with him stirred lots of memories and laughter.